This document contains the Privacy Policy for the Soul Embodiment PlaySchool Web Site using Thinkific.

(Thinkific Site).  All those who visit the Soul Embodiment PlaySchool Web Site and use the Courses (“Courses”) hereby accept and consent to Our Privacy Policy as it may be changed and modified from time to time to respond to technical, online policy, and privacy concerns.  


Marissa O’Neil and her Soul Embodiment PlaySchool (“Our”, “We”, “Us”) adheres to a policy and approach that aims to protect your online privacy.  This Privacy Policy summarizes the personal data we collect from those visiting Our Soul Embodiment PlaySchool Web Site and how the data can be used. 

We follow and adhere to privacy protection regulations and policies as they are modified from time to time by the United States and as the Responsibility of the Controller as defined by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) promulgated in 2018 .

All those who access the Soul Embodiment PlaySchool Website including all the content materials presented and displayed  on the Web Site accept and consent to Our Privacy Policy.  This Privacy Policy applies equally to all visitors, members, customers of the Web Site.  By your use of the Web Site, you hereby accept and consent to this Privacy Policy, without modification, and acknowledge that you have read and understand the rights and obligations as written.


We maintain the personal information you voluntarily submit and provide such as your full name and email address to subscribe to content we create and you request sent you along with any products or services available on the Web Site.  You may, at any time, decide to cease receiving such content and can opt-out of further communications by sending an email to [email protected].

We may also process the data of your accessing and use of our Web Site and the Services offered.  The types of data includes the date, time of day, IP address you use, operating system of your computer or smartphone, browser, location specific information, previous website you visited before accessing Our Web Site and the length of time spent on the various pages and Services available on the Web Site.  The data is collected and summarized in a data analytics tool.  The results from collecting the data and use of the analytic tool informs efforts to improve the Web Site, the Services, content offered, and attract advertisers.   

You grant Us a perpetual, nonexclusive, world-wide, royalty free, sub-licensable license to any comments or Submissions to the Website, which includes without limitation the right for Us or any third party We designate, to use, copy, transmit, excerpt, publish, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, create derivative works of modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt to streaming, downloading, broadcast, mobile, digital, thumbnail, scanning or other technologies) in any form or media now known or hereinafter developed, any Submission posted by you on or to the Services or any other Web site owned by Us, including any Submission posted on or to the Services through a third party.

By making a Submission, you are consenting to its display and publication on the Web Site and in the Services and for related online and offline promotional uses.

Your personal information may be shared with trusted third party partners who provide technical and operating support for this Web Site.  We will not share or provide your data to data brokers or any unaffiliated third party.  Unsolicited commercial email, also commonly known as spam, will not be sent to anyone from our Web Site.  You will only receive content submissions, newsletters, and blogs that you elect to subscribe to and which you can opt-out of at any time.  

Information for those who visit the Web Site is stored in “cookies”.  A cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing.  Cookies are a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information (such as items added in the shopping cart in an online store) or to record the user's browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited in the past). They can also be used to remember arbitrary pieces of information that the user previously entered into form fields such as names, addresses, passwords, and credit card numbers.  Other kinds of cookies perform essential functions like authentication cookies which are commonly used by web servers to know whether the user is logged in or not, and which account they are logged in with. 

The settings or preferences function in browsers allow users to specify whether they wish to allow cookies or tracking data to be enabled or disabled and to delete all cookie information upon closing your browser.  If you need help setting your browser preferences, refer to your browsers help and/or documentation pages.  Choosing to disable cookies may mean that some pages or links on the Web Site may not function or be displayed for you.  

Often times, web sites state that users are preferred to have cookies enabled “to ensure your best experience.”  This is marketing speak for those who wish to have access to your browser data on their web site.  As a matter of personal preference, it is up to all users to decide what information they wish to share or maintain as confidential.  

The personal information processed from Web Site visitors shall not be stored any longer than necessary to complete it’s purpose, conform to a legal requirement, or document an accounting transaction.  It is possible that, at some future date, your information may be combined with that of others in an anonymized fashion for analytic purposes to learn how to improve the Web Site and Services offered.  Once these purposes are fulfilled, all personal information will be securely deleted and no longer available.  


The US Congress enacted COPPA in 1998 to limit the collection of personally identifiable information from youngsters without their parents’ consent. The Commission’s Rule implementing COPPA, effective since April 2000, requires websites to post a complete privacy policy, notify parents directly about their information collection practices, and get verifiable parental consent before collecting personal information from their children – or sharing it with others.  Note that We are not and do not intend to offer Services targeted at  children under thirteen (13) or teenagers under the age of eighteen (18).  

We are prohibited from conditioning a child’s participation in an activity on the child’s disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary for the activity. Parents of the right to review, have deleted, and refuse the further collection and use of their children’s personal information.  Our Web Site must obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting, using or disclosing personal information about a child or before allowing children to open an account or post messages in a chatroom or on a bulletin board.  Parents can revoke their consent at any time and ask that information about their children be deleted from the Web Site’s database.  Further information on COPPA is available at:’s-online-privacy-protection-rule-coppa/coppasurvey.pdf 


The United States follows what is referred to as a 'sectoral' approach to data protection legislation. Under this approach, the laws of data protection and privacy rely on a combination of legislation, regulation, and self-regulation rather than governmental interference alone.  

The US has several sector-specific and medium-specific national privacy or data security laws, including laws and regulations that apply to financial institutions, telecommunications companies, personal health information, credit report information, children's information, telemarketing and direct marketing.  

The US has hundreds of privacy and data security among its 50 states and territories, such as requirements for safeguarding data, disposal of data, privacy policies, appropriate use of Social Security numbers and data breach notification. While support is growing for a comprehensive, national privacy law that would supersede and preempt state privacy laws, it is unlikely such a law will be adopted soon.

You as a user of this Web Site, have the right to request access to, erase, modify, restrict, object, and opt-out of our use of your personal information or its use by any current or potential Service support partner at any time.

In the event that this Web Site and it’s Services are hacked and there is a potential breach of personal information, we have developed a response plan that will go into effect.  Elements of the plan include engaging with the company that hosts our Web Site and the developers of the web platform used to create the Web Site and Services to quickly identify and patch any vulnerabilities.  This may also include collaboration with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.  

As a user of this Web Site, you acknowledge and recognize that the personal data and information you voluntarily submit could potentially be accessed or modified by a rogue third party despite our efforts to prevent such an event.  You agree that We are not responsible for any data seized without our permission or knowledge.  In addition, you unequivocally release Us from any and all possible claims arising out of or from the use of your accessed personal information in such unlicensed, unsanctioned, and illegal manner.  


This Soul Embodiment PlaySchool Web Site and the Courses offered and available is owned and operated by Marissa O’Neil.  If there are any questions you have about this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to direct them to [email protected]